Michelle Phelan - Community Liaison of the St. Vrain Valley Schools Education Foundation,
Michelle Phelan, worked over 15 years in the insurance industry. During that time she focused on professional and career development of others including leadership training, public speaking and mentoring. After leaving the industry, her time was spent with her family and devoting much of her energy to the community around her and supporting her husband as he finished his Air Force career as a reservist. She has been involved in several volunteer capacities including Parent Teacher Organizations as a chairperson and Co-President, School Improvement Team, school and youth activities, fundraising efforts and local neighborhood activities such as Neighborhood Watch and community events.
Michelle resides in Longmont with her husband, Mike and their two sons who attend schools within the St. Vrain Valley School District. She still is very much involved in community activities with her church, Boys Scouts of America and being a school parent and team Mom. As a family, they enjoy hiking, biking, snow sports, outdoor activities with their two Tibetan Terriers, along cooking and baking together.
At the Foundation, Michelle works closely with business partners, civic organizations, Chamber of Commerces, and the community to help support the mission of Student Success and Teacher Excellence. This includes coordinating the efforts for Crayons to Calculators, to ensure all students have the school supplies they need, as well as other events and programs to support schools, teachers and all students in the St. Vrain area.
Michelle Phelan – Community Liaison of the SVVSE Foundation
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